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kenapa perempuan suka main rambut sendiri....??

My superman pernah tanya this question when i asked him to look at a lady separated by few tables from us on how pretty she is...

x tau laa my superman tu nak jaga hati ker apa or control konon x mata keranjang (heheh.. sayang saya tau awak baik)

but then he said... "eleh control cun! kenapa perempuan suka main rambut sendiri?"... coz that pretty lady sedang menyikat rambutnya dgn menggunakan jari aja..

i jawab " mmg rambut die lawa"

then today... bangun jer tido as i look at the mirror my reflection and love how my hair posing...


this wasnt the first time

mmg selalu perasan sendiri...

tp i mmg suka rasa rambut mcm rambut fazura cantik kekadang mcm maya karin

hahaha... pergh post ini sangat lame

i used to love dyed my hair when i was in high school...

i tukar from dark brown to red to brown and blue-purple black..

then i stay with my original colors after terpengaruh tgk my superchumels along with her healthy long black hair..

so i stay black until now and appreciate this onwards...

apart from shampooing, conditioning, mask and serum...

i did my own mask...

everyweek (i skip 2 3 kali jugak laa) i ambil santan sikit and almond oil together with aloe vera gel (fresh from the garden kat blakang umah) and mix that and letak on my hair thoroughly and scalp wait a few mins (sometimes hours) then wash it off...

rasa mcm leceh but biler dah buat selalu

x der la rumit mana pun...

but i tell you

rasa perbezaannya...

healthy, kurang gugur,,, shiner,,, lembut and basically the feeling like more love towards your hair...

x salah sayangkan diri sendiri...

i suka org yg sayangkan diri dier...

go spend your money for yourself...
itu bukan membazir

you deserve it...

2 people have to say a little bit of something:

{ Shween } at: June 12, 2010 at 10:36 PM said...

yang, santan tu kene masak dulu x? memang santan pekat ye? nak try lah but takot salah buat

{ ain syakirin hanaffi } at: June 13, 2010 at 11:24 AM said...

santan pure dear... i letak dalam peti sejuk so die jadi mcm paste...

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